Thursday 23 February 2012

Update, beads show.

Man o riley, I haven't been here in so long! I wouldn't be surprised if you guys totally forgot about this blog. My excuse? Well, to say life has completely engulfed me lately would be an understatement. I've just been super busy the past few weeks, which also means that I'm now backlogged with posts so hopefully some of the future posts will make up for it :)

Also, heads up: this post might not make too much sense as it's 01.46am and I'm officially knackered- but I told myself that there's no time like the present so alas, I'm finally making a new entry. This entry will be split up into sections ^^

After my last post, the weather has thawed out a bit and it's been increasingly warmer. Before everything melted though, I did managed to take a few pics~

Pretty, no? I find that snow makes a really pretty backdrop, so most things tend to look better.

A few weeks ago I was asked by my awesome friend Adekemi to help her take photographs for a fashion/beads show she was holding. She's set up her own line of beads that she hand-makes, so definitely feel free to check her out! (Facebook: ravishing beads, twitter: @ravishingbeads, website coming soon!) 

Here are some of the pics I took that evening:

The hall the event was hosted at
Behind the scenes preparation
A sample of some of the beads
Below are some shots I took of the models with the beads on: 


It was a really fun evening, and to be honest I haven't even gotten round to looking at the footage for the actual fashion/beads show yet! Perhaps I will do a part 2 to this entry? We shall see!

Anyhows, for now I'm off to snooze inshaAllah so until next time.. 



  1. yes sweets, snow to me makes everything look cleaner...except in NY where it is yellow and full of poo.

    I love the photos. Do you have any close up shots on the beads? It will be nice to see the rest inshallah :)

    1. Hey sis. Lol that's hilarious, usually it doesn't look so pleasant after it melts, but wow yellow snow does not sound pleasant at all o_O

      Thankies so much for your comment dear, and as for closeups are concerned my friend has so many of them on her facebook so I didn't really take many but hopefully I might put up another entry inshaAllah showing some of the other stuff that happened that evening and the rest of the pics inshaAllah :)

  2. beautiful pics mashAllah and btw dude, I love cake!

    1. Hey there Roshni! Thank you for your kinds words and yes, cake is awesome ^^ :)
