Monday 6 February 2012

Shepherd's Bush Market

I went to Shepherd's bush market the other day, which holds many fond memories for me, and was pleasantly surprised by some of the items I saw. 

Initially when I got there, the place was practically deserted. I can't remember ever seeing it so empty, which was an added bonus as it meant easy shopping :)

As with most markets, you usually have to take everything with a pinch of salt as far as quality is concerned- but for a hijabi, this market certainly delivers in certain areas.

What caught my attention in particular were the hijab accessories, mainly the under-caps and brooches, which were very reasonably priced. I managed to get these three brooches pictured below for £5 (bargain), whereas usually I'd have to pay £10+ for one when buying from a department store. The quality, from past experience, is rather good as well.

What do you guys think? I wasn't too adventurous with the colours, but I figured I should take ones that would suit some of my favourite hijabs the most :)

I also brought quite a few bonnets as my bonnet collection has dwindled considerably over the past few months. They weren't very picture worthy though harhar  :)

Hope everyone is well. A rather short post today, so until next time inshaAllah..

Toodles ~


  1. They are very pretty mashaAllah. I have a blue one that is similar but the clip bit broke off!! A good buy.

    1. Salaams sis, yh I know what you mean! The ones I brought last time had some of the clips break off >.< Ahh but atleast I made good use of them :)
